Hello Vigor Runners!
We are so excited for our race next Saturday! This post will provide you with all the information you will need come race day. Feel free to email us with any questions.
Packet pick-up is Friday, July 13th from 2:00-6:00 pm at the Cottonwood Heights Rec Center. (7500 South 2700 East Cottonwood Heights, UT) You can find us by the outdoor pool.
All teams must turn in a waiver to receive their bib numbers. PLEASE bring signed waivers with you to packet pick-up! One person can pick up packets for their entire team, however they must have teammates signatures. You can find the waiver and print it by clicking here.
Please arrive at least 20 minutes early! Have you read the race summary? From this link, just click on course info. **Even if you ran last year, please read summary--there are a few changes this year!,
A few rules and important things to remember:
- Wear costumes to make the day a lot of fun. ShotU.net will be photographing our event.
- One runner from each team will be SWIMMING. You do not need a swim suit.
- Teams MUST approach and complete every obstacle together. One teammate cannot run ahead of their team.
- Eggs, Bricks, and Balloons must be held. You cannot put in pockets, bags, bra's, shirts, etc...
Thank you so much for signing up! We appreciate your business and hope you'll love running our race next week!!
Thanks, The Vigor Team