If you’reinterested in saving money on races in Utah and on your next pair of runningshoes, check out www.runnersonthego.com and the Member Card.
Local formerAll-American BYU runner Rex Shields and his group have put together animpressive list of more than 300 races, running stores and sports-relatedbusinesses around the nation to offer discounts to runners. About 100 of thoseare in the Utah area. Their purpose is to help make more races and running gearaccessible to the wide variety of runners in Utah. There’s even a few massagetherapy and chiropractic clinics to help with injuries. More discounts arebeing added every week.
Any runnerstraveling for work or on vacation who want to run with a group or find a scenicroute at their destination can also visit RunnersOnTheGo.com for theinformation they need. Specific names and other contact details and schedulesare posted along with maps pinpointing group run meeting locations and bothurban and trail running routes.
Soon runnerswill also be able to get information and discounts related to their otheroutdoor activities such as skiing, swimming, climbing and more. So if you haveany suggestions for content you think should be on the site or if you havequestions, send an e-mail to rex@runnersonthego.com. Your opinions will help provide the benefitsyou want.
Furthermore,the first ten people to use this promo code on their website can buy the cardfor half off. Promo code: ROTG-10-KQZL