
Race News, Training Tips, and Much More!

We Won!

We feel so honored to have won City Weekly’s Best Of Award for our Vigor Big Cottonwood Canyon Half Marathon. Here is what they had to say...

"Best Running Like the Wind"
Vigor Big Cottonwood Canyon Half Marathon
For both amateur and seasoned runners, the sport eventually becomes less about the freedom and invincibility that you felt as a kid running around the school field and more about the euphoria of beating personal records and increasing your lactate threshold. Vigor Utah’s races are serious, but they take place in the Salt Lake Valley’s beautiful wilderness areas, so they’re absent of the stress of a traditional city race&mdashno jostling for starting position or dodging manholes. The Big Cottonwood Half Marathon (or 10K or 5K), in particular, is a reinvigorating run&mdashan entirely downhill course that takes runners through the early-morning stillness and beauty of Big Cottonwood Canyon, past giant rocks and running water. You’ll probably set a personal record, but more importantly, the race will help you reconnect with why you started running in the first place."

City Weekly

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